A warm welcome to IntegrityNext coming to Stockholm on October 15th & 16th to join CPO Outlook 2024. EBG have enabled sustainability focus experience exchange since 2016. Knowing from the moment we starting hearing more about the need to align with suppliers in order to be able to account for the work being done to reduce carbon emissions and other aspects of CSR and sustainability.
Fast forward to 2024 and the regulation within the EU is increasing fast. Too little effect has been seen since the 60s and large corporations are asked to do more. And to be accountable.
Procurement and the supply chain sit in the heart of the value chain. Much of the vocal conversations have been focusing on green investments and Net Zero. Meaning focusing on the few suppliers and supplies that stands for the main emissions. But how about when you get 48 hours to account for if you have suppliers with footprints in Russia? Or if you are tasked to describe the entire value chain through your nTier supplies? When you are tasked to create action plans that ensure you collaborate more with suppliers to reduce risk and know what to do when actions need to be taken.
And you have thousands of suppliers to account for in your value chain.
It is a daunting task but luckily technology is being developed that can help monitor, describe, evaluate and track the supply base. Because yesterday the demands looked a certain way, today another and tomorrow will for sure not be less complex.
You who join CPO Outlook 2024 can sit down with IntegrityNext to draw from their experiences. At the same time you will learn from the peer group joining – all sharing more or less the same challenges.
About IntegrityNext
IntegrityNext is a leading solution for supply chain sustainability management and ESG compliance. The cloud-based platform helps companies adhere to regulatory due diligence requirements, meet decarbonization targets, and report in line with internationally recognized disclosure standards such as the GRI and CSRD/ESRS. In doing so, IntegrityNext supports its clients in identifying relevant ESG risks along the value chain and improving their sustainability performance. Learn more via integritynext.com
About CPO Outlook 2024
For sure we need to talk about AI – but we also need to talk about in what way, with what data, with which resources and at what time.
We also need to talk about ESG, CSDDD, CSRD and any and all of the sustainability and CSR related regulations present and upcoming. We need to talk about what type processes you can and should enable. Enable to make it easy for your organization to comply, be in control and collaborate internally and externally. Which data you are using and how up to date and reliable it is. What you do when you need to take action.
For sure we should talk about operating mode considerations and competences. If companies feel the urge to jump on the digitalization, automation and AI band wagon – how are they catering for the competences needed?

We need to talk about all of the above happening in an environment where people today not have enough time to do what they think they should be doing. We need to empower organizations. To find time and ways to create agile procurement organizations. Organizations that are able to master multiple perspective at the same time.
This is what we will do at CPO Outlook 2024 in Stockholm. Make sure to >>register to take part in the only summit of its kind in the Nordics