There are few global organizations who are not looking at ways to leverage on their global purchasing power. Finding ways to unify control and execute common strategies along the procure to pay process takes time but is a crucial part in controlling spend, finding ways to reduce cost and enabling transactional follow up and control.
Jurgen Stockbroekx, Senior Manager Vendor Financial Services Europe at Sabic has been a part of rolling out system and process improvements with the aim of gaining control and leveraging on the knowledge gained by that. Having moved from several accounts payable platforms and somewhat unstructured master data, Sabic can now control the end-to-end flow enabling them to work more on business outcomes than managing errors and faulty data. Guess work becomes unified control.
In this interview Jurgen tells about their journey so far, the development they have seen, what and why they have chosen to do and what lies in the future. Enjoy!
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