This addition makes us happy. One year ago Kristin Ang, Group Purchasing Strategy & Business Transformation Manager at SKF Group hosted very appreciated round table discussions at Source 2 Pay Summit focusing on change management challenges in a truly global organization. And as all working with change management initiatives know – they take time!
So – what has happened since and what can we learn from the experiences Kristin Ang have today? What can we learn from the approach to strategy execution SKF Group Purchasing is taking when it comes to enabling one common way of working.
After all: SKF was established in 1907 and has 48 000+ employees, 140 sites in 32 countries, 130 companies, distributors in 17 000 locations and a purchasing spend of 40 BSEK . With a turnover of about 71 BSEK, purchasing spend consists of 57% of revenue. As in most organizations – what SKF spends, how and from whom – all play a significant role in company strategies. In 2012 SKF embarked on a global transformation journey with the aim to create one centralized purchasing organization.
EBG are also happy Håkan Hultén, Group Purchasing Business Process and Transformation Manager at SKF Group join us and moderate two Theme Discussions sharing his experiences working with global change management.
Learn more about what Kristin will share and about what Håkan invite you to discuss at Source 2 Pay Summit 2017.
About SKF (from website)
SKF has been a leading global technology provider since 1907. Our fundamental strength is the ability to continuously develop new technologies – then use them to create products that offer competitive advantages to our customers.
We achieve this by combining hands-on experience in over 40 industries with our knowledge across the SKF technology platforms: bearings and units, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems. Our success is based on this knowledge, our people, and our commitment to SKF Care principles.
The focus of SKF’s technology development today is to reduce the environmental impact of an asset during its lifecycle, both in our own and our customers’ operations. The SKF BeyondZero product portfolio is the latest example of what SKF has to offer in this area.
About Source 2 Pay Summit
Welcome to the 7th annual Source 2 Pay Summit held March 29th (voluntary dinner) & March 30th (main conference in Stockholm). The idea being that challenges and opportunities within sourcing, procurement and finance need to be discussed as parts of an end-to-end process.
- How are business strategies translated into strategies for sourcing, procurement and finance?
- And how are those strategies being operationalized?
- Who need to do what based on how you are organized in order to achieve set goals?
Ad to that a changing supplier landscape and increasingly global markets and you have the layout for this summit.
At Source to Pay Summit we don’t give easy answers but offer quality ways of asking questions and exchange experiences.
EBG | Network are grateful for the competence gathering in Stockholm in March. As soon as you register you can start choosing what discussions to join! >>Register here