There are a lot of demands on procurement these days. Be agile, stay connected with the markets and stakeholders, cut costs and increase growth, innovate production, inform all, stay informed, reduce risk and stay on top of all possibilities available. Having a CEO, CFO, functional leader AND supplier focus at all times.
How do you even do that? We asked Michael about his view.
Interview with Michael van Keulen, CPO at Coupa
Michael come from years of working as a CPO and working within finance. Giving him a much needed end-to-end perspective valuable also given the company he work in today – Coupa. Why would I say that? Who are Coupa? And who is Michael? View the interview below to find out!
Shaping businesses and staying afloat
Months and years to come will show us how well companies used past months crisis to build better businesses. More sustainable businesses, more reliant businesses and more insightful businesses. It is stated that digitization is taking leaps due to the apparent lack of insight many companies have faced. Let’s follow how well companies support all the great men and women out there knowing what need to be done, needing the support, mandate and resources to achieve it.
About Coupa
Coupa Software is the leading provider of BSM solutions. We offer a comprehensive, cloud-based BSM platform that has connected hundreds of organizations with more than four million suppliers globally. Our platform provides greater visibility into and control over how companies spend money. Using our platform, businesses are able to achieve real, measurable value and savings that drive their profitability. Learn more at coupa.com. Read more on the Coupa Blog or follow @Coupa on Twitter.