It is valid to turn to some of the most experienced consultancy firms when wanting an overview over what is true and what is not when it comes to all things Artificial Intelligence.
While some claim it will solve everything. Take many jobs and be included in all things business related (perhaps somewhat exaggerated but not much right). Some others claim we will see an AI bubble burst in 2025. Asking the question “When will anyone start making actual money from artificial intelligence?”.
Never the less CPO Outlook 2024 will of course bring up what is going on (or not) in the AI space from a procurement perspective.
Rather than just adding to the hype.. This summit will bring up a wider perspective in relation to what AI may hold.
On October 15th & 16th in Stockholm, Pontus Sandslätt, Head of Procurement advisory at KPMG and Patric Olsson, Director, Procurement transformation at PwC will share what they and their respective organizations are seeing.
They will go through;
AI & GenAI – the Truth, actual use cases, anticipation and corporate considerations
Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI is on many peoples lips at the moment. The promise of what just may be possible to achieve seem endless. How should you – working in a large corporation in supply chain and procurement make use of the potential that lies in AI? If you want to look beyond single use cases. To truly consider what advanced technology may mean to how you consider Risk – Strategy – Talent – Operating Model – Technology and Data as well as Adoption and Scaling.
You will get Hands On, True, Fact Based and Concrete examples and advice.
In addition you will learn from your peers in the room. How can we together tackle considerations and anticipations that will help You make use of technology. Make operating model future plans. Consider talent options and fast track you to elevate your procurement excellence projects.
- Where is AI technology on a maturity scale today?
- Real procurement and supply chain use cases in 2024
- What are the anticipated effects on future procurement operating model considerations?
- Which competences should procurement ad in relation to current realities and future needs?
- How important is data quality (really) and what do companies need to do to secure non bias insights?
- Which data security considerations should companies focus on as systems and data is opened up?
In addition EBG will enable a workshop focusing on the same. In 2023, EBG co-hosted a workshop focusing on the dilemma of not having enough or the right resources. This in relation to which strategies to choose: outsourcing, automating etc.
The below was stated during the workshop;
What does procurement spend the most time on in your organization?

What do you think they should spend more time on?

What tasks would you want to remove from your procurement organization?

On paper the above is a dream scenario for all thing automated and digital right? Not arguing it is not – rather considering how procurement can move from the above to more desired operations.
CPO Outlook 2024
This is one of few summits where you can really draw from others experiences. May it be feeling at ease you are not alone. Learning you are in fact more advanced than others or being inspired how to take the next steps.

CPO Outlook 2024 bring together multiple perspectives, multiple layers of all aspects you working with business development need to take into account. Risk, supplier collaboration, stakeholder management, digitalization, talent considerations and much more.
Choose from 40 round table discussions, 5 workshops, 10 keynotes and drinks & dinner. EBG ensure you get to meet with as many as is possible.
Make sure to >>register now as seats are limited. Register 3 colleagues and get a 30% discount including three-course dinner!