Welcome to EBG | Network and Online Goods Receipt Q&A Benchmark! EBG have long experience from creating both real life meetings and online interviews and webinars. One thing is clear – there is a greater need for experience exchange than real life conferences can meet. And there are more people than usually go to a […]
EBG | Webinar: Structuring global procurement
As within finance, procurement increasingly centralize both strategic and operational sourcing as well as procurement activities. It is recognized that end-to-end visibility and control is needed in order to leverage on purchasing power, achieve sustainable savings and mitigate risk. This webinar is fully booked – the first 100 who log in can join the live […]
EBG | Webinar: The Vattenfall story going from re-active to pro-active spend visibility
This webinar is – no surprise – very popular and almost fully booked! EBG know from experience that a number of those registered at the end will not attend the live webinar and therefor allow the webinar to be more than fully booked. In case all try to log in, the first 100 attendees will […]
EBG | Webinar: Avoiding risk and fraud from a cash management and purchase to pay perspective
Date: Wednesday April 6th Time: 11:00-11:55 AM CEST (12:00-12:55 Finnish time) Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & OpusCapita >Click here to register There are numerous research and studies highlighting that fraud is an increasing reality. The Association for financial professionals say that 62% of […]
EBG Webinar: Enabling purchase-to-pay spend control linking strategies, processes and technology together
Date: Thursday November 5th Time: 11:00-11:45 AM CET (12:00-12:45 Finnish time) Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & OpusCapita >>Click here to register NOTE: This webinar has over 120 registrants and take 100 attendees joining live. Should you not be able to join the session […]
EBG Webinar 27 maj: Så formar Trelleborg Industrial Solutions en proaktiv och dynamisk inköpsorganisation
Datum: Onsdag 27 maj Tid: 15:00-15:45 Språk: Svenska Plats: Din dator/telefon/surfplatta Kostnad: Kostnadsfritt Arrangör: EBG | Network & Qlik >>Klicka här för att registrera dig Välkommen till ett webinar den 27 maj kl. 15:00-15:45 då Peter Böhm, Director Purchasing, Trelleborg Industrial Solutions, berättar hur hans organisation skapar översyn och förutsättningar för att proaktivt stödja verksamhetens […]
EBG Webinar May 22nd: Spend analysis revealing the hidden gold in accounts payable data
Date: Friday May 22nd Time: 11:00-11:45 AM CET (12:00-12:45 Finnish time) Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & OpusCapita >>Click here to register The amount of spend related data produced in a mid to large size organization is daunting. The amount of reports created are […]
EBG | Network launch Nordic Online Benchmark Conferences
Nordic Online Benchmark Conferences are launched starting September 2015 Those having followed the evolvement of EBG have seen how stringent we have been gathering and sharing cross functional and cross industry intelligence within finance and procurement. As time has passed hundreds of senior managers have attended our conferences in Sweden and Norway, hundreds have attended […]
EBG Webinar 28 maj: Styrs ditt företags leverantörsrelationer av frågan What’s In It For Me? eller av frågan What’s In It For We?
Datum: Torsdag 28 maj Tid: 09:30-10:25 Språk: Svenska Plats: Din dator/telefon/surfplatta Kostnad: Kostnadsfritt Arrangör: EBG | Network & Lindahl >>Klicka här för att läsa mer och anmäla dig till webinaret Du som arbetar med affärsutveckling av olika slag arbetar redan idag med olika strategier för att skapa nya affärsområden, finna nya affärskanaler, utvidga andelen marknadsandelar, […]
Nordic F&A BPO Webinar April 17th: How does your data compare with peers?
Date: Friday April 17th Time: 11:00-11:55 AM CET (12:00-12:55 Finnish time) Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & OpusCapita >>Click here to register for the webinar The idea of centralizing and outsourcing all or part of finance and accounting (F&A) has been around in the […]