…..och vilka marknadssignaler finns som pekar mot dessa möjligheter? Den 19 februari höll EBG och Basware ett informativt webinar som gick igenom globala studieresultat från den omfattande likviditets- och kassaflödesstudie Basware gjorde 2014. Vi har länge pratat om optimering av days sales outstanding å ena sidan och days payable outstanding å andra sidan men rent […]
O2C Webinar March 18th: How to manage DSO, short term financing and increase customer satisfaction
Date: Wednesday March 18th Time: 11:00-11:55 AM CET (12:00-12:55 Finnish time) Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & OpusCapita >>Click here to register for the webinar Having control over your order-to-cash process is vital to gaining control over your cash and there are several ways […]
EBG | Insight: 10 advice when sending e-invoices to your customers
Ever heard of buyers asking their suppliers for more structured invoice data? The debate about how to get suppliers to send e-invoices has been loud and clear for the past decade, at least from the buyer side. The benefits are clear on the buyer side but what about the supplier side? When the buyer side […]