Another great contribution to Source 2 Pay Summit 2015 was Rolph Hey, Regional Sourcing Manager Nordics at 3M. Rolph moderated Theme Discussions focusing on “Challenges and opportunities aligning from source to pay”. Of course a very broad subject which was drilled down into the way in which organizations set up new ERP-systems, choose to organize and measure outcomes and how participants bring the source to pay process together with new system implementation and outsourced accounts payable.
It turned out that most joining the discussions had captive shared service centers, centralized accounts payable, mostly with own staff although in low cost countries. Many had no po no pay-policies although also most agreed that enforcing such a policy is both costly and challenging.
A question particularly interesting for Rolph was how many are allowed to do purchases – a very common headache within indirect spend where often thousands are allowed to purchase – and 3M have chosen a drastic strategy!
Since April, this is a comment from Rolph “3M Nordic has finally gone live with the new ERP software (SAP). The system in itself is on its way to stabilize, but the biggest journey for our organization is the change management.
We have noted on our “leassons learned”, that too little time was spend on “hands on” training. Still our biggest struggle is to change our mindset instead of trying to “change the system”.”
Below you can listen to the interview and here you can keep an eye on Source 2 Pay Summit 2016 in April 2016. High level practitioners/end users meeting with peers and expert organizations. EBG enable real meetings and real experience exchange.