Why make it easy on yourself an only use the paths others have used or are using? Five years back I decided to start EBG | Network based on what I heard across Europe when meeting especially finance professionals. It seemed there was a need for a more holistic platform looking at business process development from a procurement and finance perspective.
Five years back it was quite hard to gather both finance and procurement professionals to talk about source-to-pay processes.
Since then a lot has happened. I am happy to say cross functional process development discussions are more than welcome – although still not too many organizations are organized accordingly nor are measuring cross functional business outcomes in a very specific way.
Yesterday and today we broke new grounds bringing Online Sourcing & Procurement and Finance & Accounting BPO Benchmark sessions to your table, literally.
THANK YOU all of who who presented your experiences and THANK YOU to all of you listening and sharing your insights!
Why make it easy on ourselves when we can aim at finding additional ways of bringing experiences to the market? What was said and shown gave me many new ideas and as always – change on paper and change in real life are two completely different things…
Quite tired but really happy,
Thank you!
Anna Bjärkerud
Founder of EBG | Network