EBG | Network are happy to welcome POOL4TOOL to Source 2 Pay Summit 2017. You will be able to sit down and discuss sourcing and procurement developments and learn from years of know how from the manufacturing industry taken into a bigger context. If you haven’t heard the word “cognitive” when talking about sourcing and procurement – you will.
“POOL4TOOL is the intelligent procurement platform. The global leader in Direct Procurement software helps customers get the most out of eSourcing, Supplier Management and more. SaaS based all-in-one software can be built step-by-step. Connecting seamlessly to ERP, it uses workflows as unique as its users. Modern user interface gives smooth user experience on all devices. With expertise from 15 years of partnership with manufacturing industries, the company is developing cognitive procurement. Over 300 customers worldwide use the platform to connect to a network of more than 300,000 suppliers. www.pool4tool.com”
About Source 2 Pay Summit
Welcome to the 7th annual Source 2 Pay Summit held March 29th (voluntary dinner) & March 30th (main conference in Stockholm). The idea being that challenges and opportunities within sourcing, procurement and finance need to be discussed as parts of an end-to-end process.
How are business strategies translated into strategies for sourcing, procurement and finance? And how are those strategies being operationalized? Who need to do what based on how you are organized in order to achieve set goals?
Ad to that a changing supplier landscape and increasingly global markets and you have the layout for this summit.
At Source to Pay Summit we don’t give easy answers but offer quality ways of asking questions and exchange experiences.
EBG | Network are grateful for the competence gathering in Stockholm in March. As soon as you register you can start choosing what discussions to join! >>Register here