We talk about doing it – we do it – and then we share what we did. For those of you who were there and for those of you who weren’t – take a look at the Source 2 Pay Summit Post Summit Report 2017!
EBG | Network are happy with all the conversations taking place and know how being exchanged.
We thank you for the nice comments afterwards such as;
“It was extremely fruitful and inspiring and relieving at the same time. “
“Very well organized! I was impressed with the number and quality of participants”
“Great opportunity to benchmark and network “
“Informative, interesting, very well organized “
“Great! Greatly arranged, interesting speakers, topics and theme discussions! “
“Very good organized, interesting speakers and inspiring colleagues with experience , in depth focus sessions. well done”
“Very well organized. Topics very relevant. Very good possibilities of interactions among participants.”
EBG of course also value feedback on how to improve – only then can we get better at what we do! What is evident is that is you scratch the surface – if you really allow yourself to have experience exchange with your peers – you will learn that most have a lot in common, equal challenges and equal opportunities.
The challenge and opportunity is how to utilize that fact to go beyond what is to what if and how to.
Next summit is Sourcing Outlook taking place October 18th (voluntary dinner) and October 19th (main conference) in Stockholm. A more in-depth look at the front end of source to pay structures and processes. An increasingly important discussion focused on sourcing STRATEGY | OPERATIONS and GOVERNANCE. Welcome!
What did we do, what did it look like and what did people think of it? Independent of if you joined us or not – welcome to view the Post Summit Report following the seventh Source 2 Pay Summit in 2017.
Click the image to download PDF with images, quotes and takeaways.