Back in 2016 Ericsson joined Source 2 Pay Summit sharing their road map towards spend control, transparency, automation and optimization with increased compliance and improved analytics as areas to develop.
You can imagine the scope given the then about 119 000 employees in 180 countries, the tens of thousands of suppliers, millions of processes invoices and billions in external spend.
Which of the following do you perceive as your biggest challenge?
A live poll question asked by the Ericsson team back in 2016, below the result. What would the results be in 2018?
The decision to start the purchase to pay program was taken in 2015 and on April 24th 2018 Ericsson will share what has happened since! A warm welcome to Lotta Carlsson, Head of Sourcing Process Management who was also present in 2016 and Peter Ringström, Program Management Office (PMO), Group Sourcing at Ericsson.

Source 2 Pay Summit 2016
What we really liked to hear was the end to end perspective being driven from upstream sourcing! Do join us in 2018 to learn more and compare experiences.
About Ericsson
Ericsson quick facts:
Founded: 1876
Parent company: Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ)
Global headquarters: Stockholm, Sweden
Financial facts
Net sales, Q3 2017: SEK 47.8 billion
Operating income Q3 2017: SEK -4.3 billion
Listed: NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and NASDAQ New York
Number of employees worldwide
South East Asia, Oceania and India: 26,396
North East Asia: 12,945
North America: 10,665
Europe and Latin America: 50,832*
Middle East and Africa: 5,014
Total 105,852
About Source 2 Pay Summit 2018
What can you tell about you total external spend? Are you buying more and more rather than making “it”? Do you have a de-centralized or centralized organization, i.e are you able to align your strategies with those in need and in charge of enabling them? Are you able to forecast actual figures or are you using contracted and estimated figures?

Source 2 Pay Summit 2017
Some tend to say source to pay is about operational excellence – we ask – is it possible to enable strategies to come true without having a plan for and following operations up end to end? What are strategies without proper governance?
EBG | Network like to say that source to pay is at the heart of making highly strategic decisions and business development plans become a reality.