It was a handful, we give you that – as it so often is doing business today in a global environment. We were scheduled to meet online from Canada, India, UK, Sweden and the US – preferably on web camera. We almost made it!
What we were able to achieve is to have several insights shared from Jon Hansen, Procurement Insights, Phil Broughton, Head of Business Programs – The Americas, CIPS and David Loseby, FAPM, FCMI, FCIPS Chartered, FRSA. The focus was on transformational realities and beyond – what will have the biggest effect on procurement? The session was enabled by Zycus, a company you can learn more about in the early stages of the below session.
View the on demand session
If you enter the link below (or click the image below) you can view the recording.
On demand recording
On camera below you see Jon Hansen, Phil Broughton and Anna Bjärkerud. Via phone you hear Sneha Paul, Zycus and David Loseby.

Where do organizations perceive the greatest change to take place in 2019?
Not a conclusive question nor answer of course. But we can probably most agree that Technology – Workforce – Process development are at least three main areas.

Technology advances are being seen in many organizations. Still – it takes a lot to make system usage as effective as it could be. This is constantly evident during EBG | Network summits. Evident there too is the focus on skill sets needed when ways of working are changed.
Top 3 trends
How long is a string? Pressing matters affecting businesses and professionals today are many.

Probably attached to the above poll result – using data more efficiently is key here! Data everywhere also mean cybersecurity concerns. Although talent shortage is top 4 here (with the illusive “other” as number three) – EBG | Network aim to bring that question up increasingly often.
How do you do it?
In the wrap up conclusion it is clear that we would need another hour at least to focus on the “how to”, a topic close to EBG | Network. Because it is one thing understanding what will have an effect on YOu and your organization – another to do something about it.
Like one question sent in read “There is lot of buzz around green procurement. My question is how an organization totally engrossed in paper based working can be encouraged to adopt paperless working? Also in a condition when the superiors are more comfortable with paper based working.”
At the end it is all about people, right? And if management is not onboard.. The good news is that evident based communication today is far more easier than it was and fact based data seldom lies!
About Zycus
Zycus is a leading global provider of complete Source-to-Pay suite of procurement performance solutions. Our comprehensive product portfolio includes applications for both the strategic and the operational aspects of procurement.
Zycus has been Recognized as a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Strategic Sourcing Application Suites for four years in a row, making it the only solution provider to achieve this feat.