Digitalization and data insights has been a hot topic for a long time. Turning paper into data, data into insights, automating manual processes and increasing ways of acting upon real time information. But what is technology and automation without a clear goal, a path to follow and ways to ensure actions generate value? That sourcing and procurement do not sit as an island within the company but act as an integrated part of business growth given all the insights possible!
At Sourcing Outlook 2019, October 10th in Stockholm, one of the focus areas is just that. How to grow businesses from a sourcing and procurement perspective, digitizing when possible, using data to support business decisions and making sure operating models and company strategies are aligned meanwhile.
Digitize, automate and analyse
Maersk are well known to have a clear digital strategy. Manual and repetitive tasks are to be automated and taken over by robots and AI. Holger, the most famous robot in the world in this aspect (?), has been accompanied by AI and machine learning at at Sourcing Outlook you will be able to learn more both from stage and attending Theme Discussions led by Lars J Andersson, Head of Procurement automation and analytics.

Make sure to register shortly, EBG assume all Theme Discussions will be fully booked. For the sake of Your experience, the seats are limited.
Digital transformation and operating model
At h&z Management Consulting, digitizing sourcing and procurement always go hand in hand with an understanding about the direction the company at large is taking. Digital transformation is something most organizations need in order to keep up with an increasingly global and fast moving world – but how do you do it?

Joining the Theme Discussions led by Jochen Schmid, Head of Procurement Innovation at h&z will give you insights that may help You gain that extra competitive advantage needed.
Create a data driven organization
Novozymes just recently re-organized in order to create an even more data driven procurement organization. Turning insights into actions and position procurement to become even more strategic. René Wienmann, Head of Sourcing Insights & Digitalization invite You to join his sessions.

Collaborate with IT
Digitalization, data and analytics do take technology and tools to ensure success. Working closely with IT is key – different organizations choose different governance structures. How do sourcing and procurement co-operate with IT in Your organization? Henrik Wangeby, Purchasiung Director at Stena Rederi invite you to discuss just that. Not to be missed when embarking on digitizing operations and strategies!

Create value without insight?
In essence – most sessions during Sourcing Outlook 2019 touch upon the use of insights to ensure sourcing and procurement create value. If you choose to re-organize, to challenge what has been and decide to change – you will need to consider how to best use data to support that change. Technology itself has no value unless you create a structure that support stakeholder management and the use of processes. Because this in itself is a true challenge, a post with the sessions focusing on just that will be presented shortly.

Register today!
Meanwhile – make sure to register to Sourcing Outlook today – until September 7th EBG offer a low investment level to join! You can start choosing what round table discussions – Theme Discussions – to join straight after registration.
A warm welcome!