EBG | Network welcome OpusCapita as Platinum sponsor at Source 2 Pay Summit taking place March 19th in Stockholm. This will be the 10th annual time we meet to discuss cross function and cross organization collaboration and development – end to end. It is EBGs belief that only when people who together are responsible for a process meet – real change can happen. Source 2 Pay Summit is unique in its blend of sourcing, procurement and finance perspectives coming together.
About OpusCapita
OpusCapita enables organizations to buy and pay quickly and securely, with a real-time view of their business. Our customers use our source-to-pay and cash management solutions to connect, transact and grow. OpusCapita processes over 100 million electronic transactions annually on its Business Network.
About Source 2 Pay Summit
Life would be easier if corporate decisions were always accompanied by real change without any challenges. Reality have however proven to EBG that in real life – it is rarely that easy. Processes are cut into pieces both by technology and organizational set ups. Seeing actual results from the strategies that indeed are being created is as challenging to see through as to follow up on.
Companies tend to be spread out geographically, data not being unified nor communicated across organizations and ways to enable people to act and follow up on what could be if only all did as expected are hard to enable.
But things are changing. As we enter the tenth year of hosting Source 2 Pay Summit – when for years procurement and finance professionals said “we don’t do source to pay” – professionals, consultants and system providers are coming together with the intent to make a difference. Today few question neither the possibilities nor the challenges but we all agree – collaborating on the possibilities is key.
As soon as you register you can start choosing from numerous Theme Discussions – round table discussions – where experts and peers invite You to share your challenges and opportunities in an informal yet to the point way.