And does it matter? What are the different layers you could consider the relationships you create with your suppliers are not wasted due to poor supplier experiences. That valuable data is not missing or unable to interpret and make use of.
On May 6th you who join Source 2 Pay Summit 2021 can join one of two Theme Discussions hosted by HICX. They focus on the below:
About HICX
HICX is the highly flexible SaaS platform that provides seamless digital Supplier Information Management. We enable business to find, maintain, and re-use trusted supplier data and information throughout the Enterprise, across any spreadsheet, app or system.
Learn more via hicxsolutions.com
Listen to what they do great!
EBG | Business Directory
Here you can learn more about HICX and how to get in contact with them already today.
About Source 2 Pay Summit 2021
Great minds coming together. Speakers and moderators in the program being one part – you who join the other. Throughout the day EBG | Network will help you get connected to solve real challenges and utilize real opportunities within sourcing, procurement and finance. Register (few seats left) and start choosing what sessions to join!
Below you see an overview over topics discussed. Find a more granular explanation in the program. All in all there are about 40 round table discussions taking place!

EBG | Community
The next step in the EBG evolution is here. EBG | Network launch EBG | Community. EBG | Network was founded in 2010 with the aim to bring together people from different functions who rarely meet. People who together are able to improve business efficiency and outcome effect the most. From the start summits, webinars and interviews were held in Swedish but as the company grew it was evident that all communication ideally should be in English. This is how large organizations are today – multi cultural and often globally spread.
EBG | Network launch EBG | Community
Today EBG | Network proudly present EBG | Community – a way to continue to connect peers and experts that meet during EBG summits. During a normal EBG summit about 40 round table discussions – EBG call them Theme Discussions – are hosted by knowledgeable moderators.
For over 10 years EBG have been asked to keep groups of people together after the summit end and the attempts have been many. LinkedIn groups, email groups, Zoom groups, groups enabled by practitioners and so on and so forth. But – you are all very busy and you are all spread across Europe.
This is why EBG | Community is being developed. No rocket science other than that this community is focusing on You who attend an EBG summit. Keeping groups of people together that share a common interest. It is of course voluntary to join, but imagine the power based on the concrete experiences shared in very specific areas!
Who can join EBG | Community
Anyone can register to join the Community – but only you who attend an EBG summit will be able to join the groups of people continuing the discussions after a summit.
Create new groups
You who register to join EBG | Community can create new groups where you can create discussion topics of your interest. Be aware though that this itself is a challenge. When you have a community with great people (look at LinkedIn, Facebook etc) – there are so many groups and posts it is hard to find quality experience exchange. You know all those places where you have become a “member” – then what? How do yo find a needle in a haystack? A drop of water in the ocean. Where do you even start to connect with people you do not know? And if you connect – how do go from there to quality experience exchange?
What does it cost?
It doesn’t cost anything to join to date. EBG | Community is an extension of EBG Summits and is offered without cost, inviting those attending an EBG Summit.
Value proposition
The value proposition EBG | Network have based its entire being on is if you give you get back. If you share an experience with a peer – you will get back and that will help you tremendously! The EBG | Community groups created after each summit isn’t owned by any individual company or person. It is the combined knowledge in a group of people sharing the same challenges and seeing the same opportunities.
Work in progress
As EBG | Network is a tiny but very ambitious company – bare with us as we together develop EBG | Community. We need to go through the ups and downs of registering/being added to groups/finding a structure to communicate (it is very straight forward), learning about the other competences in the groups etc.
EBG appreciate every feedback and idea and remember if you give you get back!
Join us now
Go ahead and register to join Source 2 Pay Summit 2021. You will probably find interesting topics shared and brought up for discussion by interesting peers and experts. After the summit you will be invited to join EBG | Community. EBG | Network will ad you to the groups you joined – the rest is in the stars! Be sure to bring a colleague since there are many parallel Theme Discussions and you can only join one at the time.