Following the first day of sourcing and procurement benchmark, the second day of EBGs first Online Benchmark sessions were about the “other” side of the puzzle – finance and accounting. Finding ways to reduce administrative costs, improve efficiency and effectiveness have been a priority for a long time. Centralizing, captive or not, possibly outsourcing, and […]
EBG | Insight: Changing transaction platform with 170+ countries
Imagine having to comply with 170 or so country specifications when communicating paperless with customers and suppliers. That was the case when Alcatel Lucent some five years ago chose to use their own paperless platform rather than buying an existing one. Since then the market has changed. And what better way to prove that so […]
EBG Play: Online S&P and F&A Benchmark Sessions
Thank you for being interested in all or most of each days Online Sourcing & Procurement and Finance & Accounting BPO Benchmark Sessions held in October 2015. EBG are very happy with the result, happy with the experiences given and happy with the interaction so many showed! You can access the recordings from all sessions […]
EBG Play: Online S&P and F&A Benchmark Sessions
Thank you for being interested in all or most of each days Online Sourcing & Procurement and Finance & Accounting BPO Benchmark Sessions held in October 2015. EBG are very happy with the result, happy with the experiences given and happy with the interaction so many showed! Below are the recordings from all sessions, in […]
Nordic F&A BPO Webinar April 17th: How does your data compare with peers?
Date: Friday April 17th Time: 11:00-11:55 AM CET (12:00-12:55 Finnish time) Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & OpusCapita >>Click here to register for the webinar The idea of centralizing and outsourcing all or part of finance and accounting (F&A) has been around in the […]
EBG Play: Hva skjer i det Norske fakturamarkedet når andelen efaktura øker?
I Norge de siste årene har fokuset vært på krav i offentlig sektor om efaktura og ambisjonene knyttet til å begynne å bruke også elektronisk ordre og katalog. Utviklingen går stadig fremover med en økende grad av elektroniske og automatiserte transaksjoner i forskjellige organisasjoner. Bortsett fra å takle kravene fra kunder og leverandører – hvordan […]
O2C Webinar March 18th: How to manage DSO, short term financing and increase customer satisfaction
Date: Wednesday March 18th Time: 11:00-11:55 AM CET (12:00-12:55 Finnish time) Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & OpusCapita >>Click here to register for the webinar Having control over your order-to-cash process is vital to gaining control over your cash and there are several ways […]
EBG | Insight: 10 advice when sending e-invoices to your customers
Ever heard of buyers asking their suppliers for more structured invoice data? The debate about how to get suppliers to send e-invoices has been loud and clear for the past decade, at least from the buyer side. The benefits are clear on the buyer side but what about the supplier side? When the buyer side […]
EBG | Insight: A supplier approach to e-invoicing adding value to the customer
When talking about e-invoicing it usually comes from a buyer perspective. Receiving an electronic invoice in its basics mean cutting manual handling costs. In the long run standardization and automation mean business control. But what about the suppliers point of view? Even though it is not necessary to actually send an e-invoice in order for […]