In the second interview part, interviewing Richard Waugh, VP Corporate Development at Zycus, we continue to discuss challenges and opportunities advancing procurement digitization. Or – rather – gathering and sharing those huge amounts of data floating around in any large company and making the best of it. Richard come from years of working with procurement […]
EBG | Insight: Realising procurement’s potential from a source to pay perspective
Organizations are striving to increase an understanding of company spend, ways to improve innovation speed and company capital and cash. Procurement have for a long time struggled to highlight the possible impact the know how they possess can have on all of the above. Challenges visualizing what is and what if can be part of […]
EBG | Play: Procurement AI: From Promise To Realization
End September great minds met online to discuss digitalization in general and Artificial Intelligence impact on procurement specifically. Why so? On April 10th 2018, 25 European countries signed a Declaration of cooperation on Artificial Intelligence. It builds further on the achievements and investments of the European research and business community in AI. Given this announcement, […]
EBG | Play: Historic spend and future needs
EBG | Network want to send a big thank you to Irene Tibbling at Stora Enso who generously shared her sourcing and procurement visualization experiences. Also a big thank you to Qlik (in Swedish go to Qlik) who enabled the webinar to take place. Webinar recording Here you can view the recorded webinar session: Poll […]
EBG | Play: Structuring global procurement
It is no easy task creating and managing global organizations. It is no easy task managing global procurement organizations – end-to-end. This is why it is extra inspiring to listen to Tamara Braun, CPO at SAP sharing how they have chosen to structure their global procurement organization. How they have chosen to set up their […]
EBG | Insight: Arjan van Weele about the need for change
He is a household name within procurement and supply chain – Arjan van Weele. He holds the (parttime) NEVI-Chair of Purchasing and Supply Management, at Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (IE&IS). Arjan acts as an independent boardroom consultant to many large companies on procurement strategy and governance issues. He […]
EBG | Insight: What is procurement transformation?
Gathering different type professionals in a room – real or virtual – and allowing the group to share experiences is what EBG is all about. At Source to Pay Summit 2015 Andreas Bivall at Boliden moderated Theme Discussions about transforming procurement and below is a recorded summary interview about what was said. Next Source to […]
EBG Play | Shaping a dynamic and proactive procurement organization
Following a very interesting webinar held by Peter Böhm at Trelleborg Industrial Solutions an english summary of this Swedish webinar is in place. Peter shared how he has aimed at developing a dynamic and proactive procurement organization and shared how he measure and organize in order to achieve set targets. Procurement Directors wanting to lead […]
EBG | Insight: If all is about change – how can we make change more strategic
The art of change. The art of managing change. The art of managing strategic change. The art of change in a strategic way. Ask anyone and change management is on the top list of what is perceived the biggest challenge in any large organization. Why is it so hard to realize strategies? Strategies followed by […]
EBG | Insight: Spend control through rapid access to information
In a recent post EBG wrote about studies indicating that an average contract compliance lies at about 30%. How can that be? Why is it so much of company spend is neither under management, control nor influence? Systems not being “filled” with enough data, catalogs and other purchasing options is one key element but according […]