Sourcing Outlook 2019 is based on the know how and experiences shared by speakers and moderators joining he summit. Creating a program in that way ensure EBG | Network stay in tune with what reasonably many others want to get better at and improve. Experiencing a day created a day ensure all present are passionate about what is brought up for discussion – it is close to each and everybody’s hearts and so relevant for all.
High level topic overview

You who join can choose between all above organizations when you choose what Theme Discussions – round table discussions – to join. Since cloning is not here yet – you may want to bring a colleague or two. This is still possible but not for long. Many of the sessions run in parallel (or we would have to prolong Sourcing Outlook with another few days). It means You and your possible colleagues can create a day suited for You based on Your areas of interest. Register here and start choosing what sessions to join!
Topic overview in more detail
Below you find articles that describe the different areas of expertise found at Sourcing Outlook. Questions? Contact Anna or Lars today!
Strategy execution

Strategy competences shared by Volvo Cars, Ericsson, DFDS and Electrolux. Of course all who join Sourcing Outlook are senior and well aware of challenges making strategies come true. Pär, Maria, Fredrik, Manisha and Frederik from these companies however focus in strategy execution a bit more in detail. And you and colleagues can join all of their sessions (first come first served should be mentioned).
Digital strategy, analytics and operating models

Digitization and analytics competences shared by A.P Møller Maersk, Novozymes, h&Z and Stena Rederi. A topic impossible to avoid these days. Also a topic that without a correlation to operating model, changed behavior and clear ways of measuring outcome is little worth. Lars, René, Jochen and Henrik have tons of experience also making strategies come true. Visions without anchoring in reality is not what Sourcing Outlook is about!
People, process and technology

Competences shared by NCC, Determine, a Corcentric company, Icertis, SAP Ariba and Tradeshift. Since the start back in 2010, EBG have stressed the importance of taking a full picture view when new processes and tools are implemented. How many have experienced that new system simply not being used as intended? Leaving frustration and lost investments behind. Which is unfortunate since the possibilities today – from a tools perspective – are endless! Emma, Diego, Sophie, Per, Geetha, Annette, Sara and Carin can draw from hands on experiences and both successes and failures.
It is therefor truly inspiring to view the topics led by providers at Sourcing Outlook and the notion they take into the people aspects of changed ways of working – which tools enable.
Risk management and sustainability improvements

Competences shared by Holmen, EcoVadis, Danfoss, DHL Resilience 360, Kodiak Rating and Achilles. If risk management and sustainability before was about controls and clauses – it is today about enabling businesses to grow safely. In collaboration with suppliers! Data has revolutionized this area and it keep on evolving.
Sourcing Outlook is not a fair, nothing wrong with fairs, it is just not what Sourcing Outlook is. EBG pay close attention to the people attending and ensure as many as is possible can speak with each other. This can not be done if there are too many people attending, thus EBG have limited seats. Register here if you want to join what surely will be an intense and value packed day in Stockholm!