Workshopen fokuserar på behovet av att skapa mening av enorma mängder data inom sourcing och inköp. Bland annat belyser vi utmaningar med att dels göra data begriplig för organisationen dels kunna fatta faktaunderstödda beslut som bidrar till sänkta kostnader och ökat värde – nu och på sikt. >>Ladda ner informationen (som PDF) Du som deltar arbetar med […]
EBG | Webinar: Historic spend and future needs
Imagine you could learn from history and predict the future..this is something many organizations want to achieve and EBG | Network are happy that Irene Tibbling at Stora Enso will share how they are visualizing historic spend and forecasting future needs. Date: October 13th Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM CEST Language: English Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: […]
Source 2 Pay Summit 2016 | Collaboration | Trust | Sustainability
It is that time of the year – we are getting closer to the annual Source 2 Pay Summit during which EBG | Network gather managers from across businesses, across countries and across industries. Our philosophy is simple yet effective – allow experiences managers to share ideas and exchange knowledge with peers and expert organizations […]
EBG | Play: Public sector contract compliance and spend control
In a popular webinar Daniel Nesz at Södersjukhuset AB shared how they have used a Qlik solution to increase visibility and control over both contract compliance and spend pattern overview. Public sector have a never ending demand to use money wisely as well as having extensive legal aspects of how, with who and in what […]
EBG Play | Shaping a dynamic and proactive procurement organization
Following a very interesting webinar held by Peter Böhm at Trelleborg Industrial Solutions an english summary of this Swedish webinar is in place. Peter shared how he has aimed at developing a dynamic and proactive procurement organization and shared how he measure and organize in order to achieve set targets. Procurement Directors wanting to lead […]
EBG Play | Så formas en proaktiv och dynamisk inköpsorganisation
De-centraliserade inköpsorganisationer, beslut som fattas långt ifrån centrala avtal, multipla affärssystem och datakällor som ger olika bilder av verkligheten. Troligen känner många igen sig i alla eller några av ovan scenarion. Peter Böhm på Trelleborg Industrial Solutions delade med sig av sina erfarenheter av att forma och utveckla en dynamisk och proaktiv inköpsorganisation. Just detta […]
EBG Webinar: Take control over your purchase orders!
Date: Tuesday September 16th Time: 09:30-10:300AM CEST Language: Swedish Location: Your computer/phone/tablet Cost: Free of charge but requires registration Organizer: EBG | Network & Qlik Imagine having complete control over your direct and indirect purchase orders – covering billions of spend and affecting forecasting and sales in a huge way. EBG | Network are happy […]