EBG | Network was started in 2010 by Anna Bjärkerud who saw the need for a cross function network focusing on sourcing, procurement and finance business development.
As the original company name was e-BusinessGuide as in electronic – what was already then almost true and is now for sure true – is that all is electronic, hence there in no need to clarify that.
EBG | Network do not work as management consultants – we believe that gathering and sharing high quality and to-the-point experiences and know how should be able to make a living of.
Activities EBG | Network do include conferences such as Source 2 Pay Summit and Sourcing Outlook. We also do workshops and host free of charge to join webinars.
We hope you enjoy all easily accessible material on this website such as EBG | Play, feel free to reach out to us if You have experiences to share or would like to discuss how we can promote Your company and services.
end 2010 – e-BusinessGuide see the light of day
Looking back it was all about “e” as in e-invoicing back in 2010. PEPPOL was mid term, public sector e-invoicing demands in Norway and Denmark was on everybody’s lips. Mobility and unified communications had been getting attention for a while.
No – not standards again! was the title of one EBG article in the beginning of 2011. Having been a part of many Swedish, Nordic and European gatherings where ALL was about e-invoicing standards, it just became too much.
EBG did start being able to discuss sourcing, procurement and finance as an end to end process such as in this article. Yet, still was a lot about e-invoicing and public sector..
EBG did a survey focusing on change management need and challenges in large organizations. The results have probably not changed that much – but some – since.
Procurement and especially indirect material functions was not understood and still – a lot of e-invoicing…
EBG went to the final PEPPOL gathering and there a re interviews from that summit if you are interested – a lot about e-invoicing…
Swedish government decided to push electronic purchasing, or as it turned out – electroniq requisitions as can be seen here.
Jump ahead to 2018 and we discuss robotic process automation within all functions, artificial intelligence and cognitive procurement. Organizations are still in silos but technology is helping bring large groups of people together – not the least from an intelligence point of view.
We’ll continue going down memory lane but now some regular work.
Welcome to join us where ever you are!
Anna Bjärkerud & Lars Bjärkerud (both happy to connect via LinkedIn, offering You a great extended network in return)
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